
Design and build manually controlled wired robot that is able to surpass obstacles & hurdles in its path and complete the track in given time.

Rules -
1) Maximum two students can form a team.
2) Students from different educational institutes can form a team.
3) All the participants must bring their valid college ID-card.

Round Specifications :

1) First elimination round.
2) Final Round.

Robot Specifications :

1) The robot should be a manually controlled car.
2) The dimensions of the robot should not exceed 25cm x 20cm x 20cm ( l x b x h) when ready for race.
3) No modifications would be allowed after the robot has cleared the first stage.
    (Till instructions are given)
4) The weight of the robot should not exceed 2kg.
5) Lego Kits or complete and ready-made car bases are not allowed.
6) Length of both the wires must be sufficient long to cover the entire arena.

Controls :

1) The machine has to be necessarily controlled by a wired remote control.
2) The participants cannot make use of wireless controls.
3) Voltage: Maximum allowed is 24 V and 4 A.
4) Participants cannot use their own power supply units.
5) Once Voltage selected it will be constant throughout.

Arena Specifications :

1) Maximum track width would be 30 cm.
2) It will consist of following hurdles:
      Bricks Bridge, Slope, Marbles, Rollers, Sea-Saw hanging Bridge, Rotating disk, Glass, Spring Gate, Spring Bridge and many more.


Game Rules :

1) The objective of the game is to complete the track in the least possible time with
completing the given task.
2) Time limit for Elimination Round is 5 min.
3) After call of hand touch the bot will be placed at the previous check point.
4) For Elimination Round Maximum 5 hand touches are allowed.
5) Check point will be completed when rear wheels passes over it.
6) The next round would include a selected number of teams on the basis of
their rankings decided in the previous round.
7) Surprise tasks may be introduced after Elimination round.
8) In case of any tie, a common task would be given on the spot to both the
teams & winner would be decided on the basis of best timing in that task.
9) Rules for the final round will be disclosed at the time of event.

General Rules :

1) Jamming circuits, weapons or similar such mechanism which will cause harm to
the arena in any case is strictly not allowed.
2) No trials will be allowed.
3) Repetition of Robot will not be allowed.
4) Judges reserve the right to disqualify any team indulging in any misbehavior.
5) Any team that is not ready at the time specified will be disqualified
6) Judges decision will be final and binding on all.
7) All the teams should report before 9 am (Registration would be automatically
cancelled if the teams fail to report within time).
8) Above rules and regulations can be changed without any prior notice and changes
will be displayed on the Brainwaves website.

Entry Fees :-  
                         Rs 200/- (Two Hundred Only) per team

Contact :
                        1. Sharad Ghule - 08976150012